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UCLA Marine Biology Quarter Mo'orea, French Polynesia
In the spring of 2014, I worked as a Teaching Associate for the UCLA Marine Biology Quarter (MBQ) at the UC Berkeley Gump Station in Mo'orea, French Polynesia. The MBQ is a field program designed to give advanced undergraduates an opportunity to gain intimate and first hand knowledge of tropical marine communities, species diversity, and their ecological structure. Students spent 5 weeks in the field developing and working on group projects that required many hours of diving, snorkeling, and lab work. Projects varied in nature, but were primarily focused on topics related to anthropogenic impacts on coral reef health and community structure. Please check out the UCLA MBQ website for more information on upcoming MBQ classes.
General Biology (BIO 106L)
Cal State Univsersity, Northridge
From 2011 to 2013, I worked as a Teaching Associate at CSU Northridge teaching the General Biology (Bio106L) lab course. This is a hands-on and interactive lab course for biology majors. The goal of this course is to illustrate the major concepts in biology, including the scientific process, heredity, evolution, taxonomy and systematics, ecology and animal behavior. Students spend 3hrs a week/semester observing organisms that range from single celled prokaryotes to more complex plants and vertebrates. Students will develop proper laboratory techniques, while conducting experiments and demonstrations. This course puts a strong emphasis on unifying current biological concepts and methods in science. 


Additional Courses Taught
  • Biology Tutor, 2012, California State University, Northridge
  • Biostatistics (BIO 502 & 502L), 2011, California State University, Northridge
  • Life in the Sea (BIO 325L), 2011, California State University, Northridge
  • Key to the Sea, 2003-2011, Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, Heal the Bay


© Brenton Spies Photography:

Images may not be copied or reproduced without written permission from Brenton Spies

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